S.T.E.A.M Conference

Emerged in the early 2000 in the United States

Interdisciplinary and applied approach based curriculum

Idea of educating in 5 Disciplines – Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering and Mathematics

Integration of S.T.E.A.M into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications rather than teach as discrete subjects.

The magnifying lens of our students.

Not another buzz word.

  • Impact on the Global Economy as the world is becoming Science and Tech-centric
  • With cultivation of STEM skills, students will learn essential skills such as Problem solving, Analytical thinking and Ability to work independently
  • Uses data-driven decision-making skills, creativity, and flexibility taking education beyond the four walls
  • Job Opportunities and Strengthening the Economy-According to the U. S. Department of Commerce (DOC), STEM occupations are growing at 17%, while others are growing at 9.8%.
  • Making a Difference in the World-STEM careers are truly “helping” professions that build communities and transform nations. The STEAM professionals are working to find solutions for global warming, cancer, third world hunger, disappearing habitats, and an interdependent world economy


Crafting the Future 2019 is perfect for educators, administrators and curriculum specialists (Pre-K to 8) who want to explore best practices, instructional strategies and high-level engagement pedagogy for inspiring students through STEM.


  • No more mugging and dictating and no more black and white boards
  • Well-versed in the content of the course
  • Simply disseminating content through direct instruction alone-A big No hereafter
  • Flexible in instructional strategies
  • Responsive to student needs as learning progresses
  • Always with the goal of enabling students to make meaningful connections
  • Motivates to be  Self-directed learners.
  • Role of the STEM instructor is often described with a single word – A Facilitator typically with the goal of reduced teacher input from what is considered traditional (direct) instruction







With separate tracks for early childhood, Primary & Secondary Education the conference promises to deliver content that is most apt to the grades you teach.




Spend an amazing day with the speakers as they share their techniques for creating STEAM experiences that get kids excited about learning more and doing more.
Participate in more than 10 hands-on STEM experiments, demonstrations and design challenges that are aligned with the Next Generational Standards
Explore new standards-based approaches and best practices to build connections, find mentors and network with like-minded educators. Become part of a community that will help sustain your efforts in promoting STEAM in the classroom.
The conference will help you become a more effective STEM teacher. Most importantly, you'll learn how to use unique strategies for turning ordinary activities into practical experiences that teach solid STEM.
Whatever the age group you teach, the conference promises to have relevant content for you. With separate tracks for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary education the conference promises to deliver content that is most apt to the grades you teach. Want to be at the forefront of your community? A separate Leadership track ensures that you have ample opportunities to brush up your leadership skill set.
What is S.T.E.A.M?

Emerged in the early 2000 in the United States

Interdisciplinary and applied approach based curriculum

Idea of educating in 5 Disciplines – Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering and Mathematics

Integration of S.T.E.A.M into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications rather than teach as discrete subjects.

The magnifying lens of our students.

Not another buzz word.

Why S.T.E.A.M?
  • Impact on the Global Economy as the world is becoming Science and Tech-centric
  • With cultivation of STEM skills, students will learn essential skills such as Problem solving, Analytical thinking and Ability to work independently
  • Uses data-driven decision-making skills, creativity, and flexibility taking education beyond the four walls
  • Job Opportunities and Strengthening the Economy-According to the U. S. Department of Commerce (DOC), STEM occupations are growing at 17%, while others are growing at 9.8%.
  • Making a Difference in the World-STEM careers are truly “helping” professions that build communities and transform nations. The STEAM professionals are working to find solutions for global warming, cancer, third world hunger, disappearing habitats, and an interdependent world economy


Crafting the Future 2019 is perfect for educators, administrators and curriculum specialists (Pre-K to 8) who want to explore best practices, instructional strategies and high-level engagement pedagogy for inspiring students through STEM.


  • No more mugging and dictating and no more black and white boards
  • Well-versed in the content of the course
  • Simply disseminating content through direct instruction alone-A big No hereafter
  • Flexible in instructional strategies
  • Responsive to student needs as learning progresses
  • Always with the goal of enabling students to make meaningful connections
  • Motivates to be  Self-directed learners.
  • Role of the STEM instructor is often described with a single word – A Facilitator typically with the goal of reduced teacher input from what is considered traditional (direct) instruction
Who should attend?







With separate tracks for early childhood, Primary & Secondary Education the conference promises to deliver content that is most apt to the grades you teach.




Reasons to Attend
Spend an amazing day with the speakers as they share their techniques for creating STEAM experiences that get kids excited about learning more and doing more.
Participate in more than 10 hands-on STEM experiments, demonstrations and design challenges that are aligned with the Next Generational Standards
Explore new standards-based approaches and best practices to build connections, find mentors and network with like-minded educators. Become part of a community that will help sustain your efforts in promoting STEAM in the classroom.
The conference will help you become a more effective STEM teacher. Most importantly, you'll learn how to use unique strategies for turning ordinary activities into practical experiences that teach solid STEM.
Whatever the age group you teach, the conference promises to have relevant content for you. With separate tracks for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary education the conference promises to deliver content that is most apt to the grades you teach. Want to be at the forefront of your community? A separate Leadership track ensures that you have ample opportunities to brush up your leadership skill set.

Our Speakers

Call For Speakers

The ‘Request for proposal’ (RFP) process serves to identify speakers for LIFE’s events and workshops.

LIFE welcomes its members as speakers at one live event per year and on workshops. Applicants may submit proposals for multiple topics.

We seek presenters to share leading-edge ideas, inspire enlightening discussions and convey the fundamentals for growing our businesses.

Each program has different goals, objectives and audiences. LIFE will decide the best fit for the speakers and presentation topics. A few topics for your reference are:

  1. How to make science come to life in every classroom?
  2. Create adaptable, creative and innovative STEM professionals.
  3. Understand and communicate the ‘why’ of what we do in STEM not just the ‘how’.
  4. Integrate STEM in every aspect of your curriculum.

Your input is valued and will be carefully considered by our events and education committee and board. LIFE will respond to your submission within a month of receiving it. We appreciate all submissions and if you are not selected for this upcoming program year, we welcome you to submit again for the following year. Opportunities will be afforded first to program themes and then speakers that fit those themes for a designated program.

  • Provide high quality educational presentations.
  • Engage attendees through audience participation and discussion.
  • Coordinate with staff regarding any special equipment needs.
  • Provide a picture, topic summary, top three takeaways and biography for marketing purposes.
  • Ensure the session is not perceived as an infomercial.
  • Promote your participation in the event on your social media sites.
  • Provide own printed pieces and/or promotional collateral

Aggressively promote the event, speaker, and subject matter through a variety of LIFE’s communication vehicles:

  • LIFE Web Site
  • Announcements at other LIFE events
  • E-mail announcements
  • LIFE social media channels – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Register participants.
  • Coordinate with speaker regarding special equipment and material needs for the event

Please complete the form below to submit your information and proposed topic details to the LIFE programs committee for consideration. Please submit completed application to LIFE connect@thelifeindia.com along with the following:

Include a 1-2 page Presentation Summary including:

  1. A list of three to five learning objectives
  2. The specific benefits participants will take away
  3. How you plan to engage the audience in interacting with one another
  4. Why this topic is essential knowledge for women business owners
  5. What makes your treatment of this topic unique
  6. How you gained your expertise on this subject

a. Presentation Sample (DVD, PPT or Web Link)
b. 100-Word Biography
c. High-Resolution Headshot (in JPG format)
d. Include references from two or three organizations where you have previously presented
f. Presentation Materials/Handouts

Presentation Topics

We seek presenters to share leading-edge ideas, inspire enlightening discussions and convey the fundamentals for growing our businesses.

Each program has different goals, objectives and audiences. LIFE will decide the best fit for the speakers and presentation topics. A few topics for your reference are:

  1. How to make science come to life in every classroom?
  2. Create adaptable, creative and innovative STEM professionals.
  3. Understand and communicate the ‘why’ of what we do in STEM not just the ‘how’.
  4. Integrate STEM in every aspect of your curriculum.

Your input is valued and will be carefully considered by our events and education committee and board. LIFE will respond to your submission within a month of receiving it. We appreciate all submissions and if you are not selected for this upcoming program year, we welcome you to submit again for the following year. Opportunities will be afforded first to program themes and then speakers that fit those themes for a designated program.

Speaker Responsibilities
  • Provide high quality educational presentations.
  • Engage attendees through audience participation and discussion.
  • Coordinate with staff regarding any special equipment needs.
  • Provide a picture, topic summary, top three takeaways and biography for marketing purposes.
  • Ensure the session is not perceived as an infomercial.
  • Promote your participation in the event on your social media sites.
  • Provide own printed pieces and/or promotional collateral
LIFE’s Responsibilities

Aggressively promote the event, speaker, and subject matter through a variety of LIFE’s communication vehicles:

  • LIFE Web Site
  • Announcements at other LIFE events
  • E-mail announcements
  • LIFE social media channels – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Register participants.
  • Coordinate with speaker regarding special equipment and material needs for the event
How to Submit

Please complete the form below to submit your information and proposed topic details to the LIFE programs committee for consideration. Please submit completed application to LIFE connect@thelifeindia.com along with the following:

Include a 1-2 page Presentation Summary including:

  1. A list of three to five learning objectives
  2. The specific benefits participants will take away
  3. How you plan to engage the audience in interacting with one another
  4. Why this topic is essential knowledge for women business owners
  5. What makes your treatment of this topic unique
  6. How you gained your expertise on this subject

a. Presentation Sample (DVD, PPT or Web Link)
b. 100-Word Biography
c. High-Resolution Headshot (in JPG format)
d. Include references from two or three organizations where you have previously presented
f. Presentation Materials/Handouts

S.T.E.A.M Conference | The Life India

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