The LIFE India in association with Gyanpro Presents S.T.E.A.M Experience Labs

Is Science magic? Or is magic science?
GyanPro’s Science Shows prove to be the curious consciousness that forces you to investigate the entity that might seem routine to most of us.
We believe that science is a natural and important part of children’s early years of learning. Children’s interest about the natural world acts as an influential catalyst for their work and play. With GyanPro’s Science Shows, this natural curiosity and the need to understand the world, will lay a foundation for children to start using their skills of inquiry to explore the basic phenomena and materials surrounding them.
We cannot wait to hear your OOOOH’s and WOOOOW’s when you see our Elephant toothpaste and Pressure Push experiments! Get ready with your countdowns for the Tea-bag Rocket launch!

About Gyanpro

At GyanPro, we believe that science is the curious consciousness that drives one to reanalyse things that often comes across as routine. Hence, we strive to renew and refresh the young minds with the art of science by utilizing evidence-based instructional practices, connecting in and out-of-school learning, facilitating effective science communication and mentoring students, we seek to kindle scientific temper by honing reasoning skills and logical thinking amongst children.GyanPro aims to create an experiential science education program to make learning fun, inspiring and interactive for children
We research, teach and promote conceptual learning of science.
GyanPro supports K-10 STEAM education by collaborating with diverse partners, leveraging local and regional resources, to empower science education by inspiring children to learn and experiment with Science.
What's in store on 4th August 2019?
Ancient Indian Technology - Did You Know?
There are many Ancient Indian shlokas and sculpture which give an evidence for the excellent planning of the people in the ancient era. The shlokas from Brahad-vimana-sastram explains about the build of aircrafts. It is portrayed in Vimana sastram that aircraft has bird like structure with light body. The metals used for the body of aircraft should be heat proof, Non malleable, Anti-toxin, Acid proof, Weight-proof, wind proof, cold proof and wrought metal. The selection of metals for aircraft should be based on the thermal resistance capacity and light weight

About a hundred years before Brahmagupta, astronomer, Varahamihira had proposed the theory for the first time that there should be a force which might be keeping bodies stuck to the Earth, and also keeping heavenly bodies in their determined places. Hence, the existence of some attractive force that administers the falling of objects to the Earth and their remaining still after having once fallen; and also determines the positions which celestial bodies occupy. It was also recognized that this force is attractive force.

The astronomical model where in the sun is at the center of the earth and all the other planets move around the sun. The ancient India were aware that the earth and all the other planets in the solar system moved around the sun. This is Heliocentric Model. Ancient Hindu temple dating back to 5000 years used to have ‘Navagraha Mantap’ where in the Sun would be placed in the center and all the other planetary gods would revolve around the sun. This Navagrah mantap is still followed till date. Hence this clearly indicates that our ancestors clearly knew about heliocentric model.