In view of the rapidly developing situation brought on by the pandemic of COVID – 19, parents and children across the world are thrown into unchartered waters. With home quarantines (state imposed or self imposed) becoming the norm, with the sword of being infected hanging over our necks, these are dark times indeed.
To overcome the trauma associated and emerge strong, we at L.I.F.E. have decided to put together a FREE virtual conference, for parents and educators alike, hosted on FaceBook. We are happy that you have accepted our preliminary invitation to partner with us for this initiative. From caring for ourselves in times of stress, to being able to play and engage better with children under our care, this conference is aimed to convey the message ‘Play to Heal’.
Please join us to bring play into the lives of parents and children and alleviate any trauma that they may be facing. The sessions will be for 45 minutes each, one speaker per day, starting on the 23rd March.
The sessions are planned to be engaging, filled with tips, tricks and actual practice. The live sessions are planned for 30-35 mins followed by about 10 mins for questions.
In Association with